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Exhibit Management and Decorator Information

Exhibit Management
Exhibit Application & Contract Agreement should be sent to Exhibit Management.
For questions about the ASC 2008 Exhibition, please contact:

Centennial Conferences
901 Front Street, Suite 130
Louisville, CO 80027 USA
Phone: (001) 303-499-2299
Fax: (001) 303-499-2599

Freeman Decorating is the official decorator for ASC 2008 Exhibition and will provide the official exhibit service kit to the exhibitors. The exhibit service kit will contain all necessary information required for ordering services from Freeman Decorating and all other selected ancillary supplies. Also included are any management materials such as event rules, information bulletins, etc. Exhibit service kits will be made available online on June 23, 2008 and will be password protected in pdf format.
Upon ASC 2008’s receipt of the completed Exhibit Application & Contract Agreement as well as full payment, exhibitors will receive the password required to access the exhibit service kit online.

Special Needs
Helium, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Nitrous oxide tanks are allowed on the event floor with prior approval by the Fire Marshal.
Tanks must be properly labeled for contents and firmly secured in the upright position, with valves protected against damage. Nitrous oxide and Oxygen tanks over 250 cubic feet are prohibited. Oxidizing gases (Oxygen or Nitrous oxide) in amounts in excess of 503 cubic feet may only be used in public assembly areas under permit for Hazardous Materials.

All special requests should be directed to Freeman Decorating ASC’s Exhibitor Service Department at (001) 773-473-7080 or via email at FreemanChicagoES@freemanco.com PRIOR to submitting the Exhibit Application & Contract Agreement and full payment.

Special requests could be, but are not limited to,needs for cooling water and drains, electrical requirements to accommodate the use of a compressor, chemical mixtures and liquid hydrogen. If your request can be accommodated and is approved, you will receive confirmation from Freeman Decorating by email. Please complete the Special Needs section on the Exhibit Application & Contract Agreement and attach the confirmation received from Freeman Decorating.







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